> LBS > Table A6.1-S > Change measure  B F G  Structure Help
Banks' cross-border positions on residents of Haiti
Outstanding at end-December 2017, in millions of US dollars
Haiti All sectors Bank sector Non-bank financial Non-financial sector
Total Non-financial corporations Households General government Unallocated non-financial
«  Q4 2017  »
Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities
Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17
Cross-border positions253647573624381722421671905490014
By instrument
Loans and deposits253631573584361722341661885420014
Debt securities...8...4   2...2...2               ...
Other instruments01...0...   000...00            
Unallocated...7......   ......7.........7      ......
By currency
All instruments
US dollar22659735355437167201167188012...0...2
Euro432...7   04250142300...0
Yen00......   0000000            
Pound sterling01......   0010001         ...
Swiss franc05...0   0050005            
Other currencies2211210...11110008   ...12
Of which: unallocated1310...103...003   ......0
Of which: loans and deposits
US dollar2265843535143516719516618607...0...2
Euro432...7   04250142300...0
Yen00......   0000000            
Pound sterling01......   0010001         ...
Swiss franc05...0   0050005            
Other currencies228210   1180005   ...12
Of which: unallocated1110   101...001   ......0