CTA2: Selected data from T7-T19
«  2017  »
Payment systems and critical service providers
Number of transactions (millions)nav1,6711,6781,7181,802
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)nav1,9391,7041,7501,961
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)nav1111
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)nav142143142150
Total number of participants (units; end of year)172165164153151
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)1817161617
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)nav771010
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)nav82,53963,63451,56130,436
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)nav11,4058,6055,1853,014
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)nav6,0265,3234,1822,322
Total number of participants (units; end of year)182179175167155
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)9695928983
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)53.260.663.759.359.5
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)63.661.862.262.862.2
Central counterparties and clearing houses
Number of transactions (thousands)109,413112,63195,654208,622226,985
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)5,0475,2543,6113,2263,766
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)4647381517
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)372.5383.6302.1261.7287.4
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)5758606565
Central securities depositories
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)28,29733,25631,76114,9038,226
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)88,39293,93370,64360,25847,702
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)3,1242,8252,2244,0435,799
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)6,523.16,858.45,909.74,887.53,639.9
Total number of participants (units; end of year)15013812711589
Number of securities held (thousands)nav1011119
Value of securities held (USD millions)2,917,5862,891,0462,470,8982,500,1362,671,586