CTA2: Selected data from T7-T19
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Payment systems and critical service providers
Number of transactions (millions)129129129121127
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)173172156112122
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)11111
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)141412109
Total number of participants (units; end of year)3638383736
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)3638383736
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)4806018381,2301,996
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)14,30313,86913,58613,06013,981
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)302316117
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)1,1821,0951,0441,1101,029
Total number of participants (units; end of year)10898908584
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)10898908584
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)80.580.
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)65.366.167.067.461.0
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)14,303napnapnapnap
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)30napnapnapnap
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)1,182napnapnapnap
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnapnap
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)115napnapnapnap
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)109napnapnapnap
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)10napnapnapnap
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnapnap
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)12334
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)115228205198281
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)109110776978
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)1018161721
Total number of participants (units; end of year)2727262929
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)2727262929
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Central counterparties and clearing houses
Number of transactions (thousands)21,80918,36416,80221,59415,420
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)172142124138117
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)88768
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)76444
Number of transactions (thousands)69,69795,71292,556103,032104,075
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)199215194222238
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)32222
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)16.517.014.918.917.5
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)3130313132
Central securities depositories
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)5,6665,8735,5476,0696,398
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)73,10487,26780,64581,49287,666
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)12,90114,86014,53913,42713,702
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)6,042.06,889.36,188.96,939.46,613.6
Total number of participants (units; end of year)117116116115114
Number of securities held (thousands)1213131314
Value of securities held (USD millions)1,344,2721,249,3271,369,6411,345,2871,534,246