T19: Value of delivery instructions processed
(CAD billions; total for the year)
«  2015  »
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total value of delivery instructions 1nap92,723.0116,123.8122,186.8124,847.2
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions'
 into DVP and free of payment
DVP trades 2nap92,723.0116,123.8122,186.8124,847.2
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions, DVP'
 by security type
Debt securities 3nap87,983.7111,190.6116,565.6119,236.4
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions, DVP,
 debt securities' by original maturity
Short-term paper 4nap6,634.08,101.96,227.66,277.2
Bonds 4nap55,579.076,248.278,250.078,068.5
Free-of-payment tradesnapnapnapnapnap
 1 Data has been revised from previous editions. Where transactions were denominated in US dollars, the average annual exchange rate was used in converting to Canadian dollars. 2 Total of Exchange, and Non-Exchange Debt. 3 Sum of Exchange and Non-Exchange debt 4 Data reported only for Non-Exchange traded debt.