T19: Value of delivery instructions processed
(CNY billions; total for the year)
«  2015  »
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
CCDC depository and settlement system
Total value of delivery instructions 1nap218,472.9195,944.2244,937.4466,578.2
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions'
 into DVP and free of payment
DVP trades 2nap187,235.6177,565.5244,683.4466,316.3
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions, DVP'
 by security type
Debt securitiesnap187,235.6177,565.5244,683.4466,316.3
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions, DVP,
 debt securities' by original maturity
Short-term papernap14,625.47,224.712,702.124,524.6
Free-of-payment trades 3nap31,237.318,378.6254.0261.9
Total value of delivery instructions 4nap104,915.2171,447.0251,625.8516,253.2
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions'
 into DVP and free of payment
DVP tradesnapnavnavnavnav
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions, DVP'
 by security type
Debt securitiesnapnavnavnavnav
Breakdown of 'total value of delivery instructions, DVP,
 debt securities' by original maturity
Short-term papernapnavnavnavnav
Free-of-payment tradesnapnavnavnavnav
 1 CCDC provides the par value of delivery instrucitons for RMB-denominated bonds in this table including spot trading, pledged repo,outright repo,bond lending and forward. For the repo and bond lending,CCDC just counts the first-leg settlement. 2013: The value of 2013 is erroneous and the correct value should be 1000 times of the current value in the table, i.e. 36,975,231.000. 2 DVP trades include both DVP and DVD(Delivery Versus Delivery) delivery instructions. DVD is mainly used in Bond-Lending. For the closed-Leg settlement of Bond-Lending, the lender gets the underlying bond back,while the borrower finishes the payment and de-blocks the pledged bond. 3 Besides Free-of-payment trades, the figures also include PAD (payment against delivery) trades and DAP (delivery against payment) trades. 4 The statistical caliber of this index is adjusted to unilateral calculation, along with a retroactive adjustment on the data of 2007 to 2015.