T3: Institutions offering payment services / instruments
(units, unless otherwise stated; end of year)
«  2015  »
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of institutions offering
 payment services/instruments
Breakdown of 'total number of institutions offering
 payment services/instruments' by category
Central banknap1111
Number of branches or officesnap16161616
Number of payment accountsnap2,3602,0102,0451,995
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)nap6,37049176126
Total number of entitiesnap314290226218
Number of branches or officesnap38,14233,71331,99931,087
Number of payment accounts (thousands)nap65,39867,30464,52462,432
Partial breakdown of 'banks, number of payment accounts'
Of which: internet-linked (thousands) 1nap29,87634,84536,26736,576
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)nap515,391541,443617,671724,269
Breakdown of 'banks' by subcategory
Credit institutions legally incorporated in the reporting country
Total number of entities 2nap230204144134
Number of branches or officesnap37,90433,48231,75530,854
Number of payment accounts (thousands) 3nap65,39867,30464,52462,432
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)nap488,259511,095582,360685,951
Bank type II
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type III
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type IV
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type V
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VI
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VII
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VIII
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnapnapnapnap
Branches of foreign banks
Total number of entities 4nap84868284
Number of branches of foreign banksnap238231244233
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnavnavnavnav
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)nap27,13230,34835,31138,318
Non-banks offering payment services/instruments
Total number of entitiesnap48515451
Breakdown of 'non-banks offering payment services/
 instruments, total number of entities' by subcategory
Non-banks offering storage of value
 (on a payment account or on a device)
Total number of entitiesnap48515451
Number of branches or officesnapnavnav143143
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnavnav1013
Value of payment accounts (EUR millions)napnavnavnavnav
Non-banks relying on storage of value on payment
 accounts or on a device offered by others
Total number of entitiesnapnavnavnavnav
Total number of e-money issuersnapnavnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'total number of e-money issuers'
 by type of institution
Of which: non-banksnapnavnavnavnav
Total outstanding e-money value (EUR millions)napnavnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'total outstanding e-money value'
 by type of institution
Of which: issued by a non-bank (EUR millions)napnavnavnavnav
 1 Figures from 2010 to November 2014 have been estimated on the basis of information collected under Regulation ECB/2008/32.Figures from December 2014 have been estimated on the basis of information collected under Regulation ECB/2013/33. 2 Data refers to commercial banks, savings banks and credit cooperatives. 3 Data refers to payment accounts for credit institutions legally incorporated in the reporting countries and branches of foreign banks.Figures from 2010 to November 2014 have been estimated on the basis of info collected under Reg. ECB/2008/32. Figures onwards have been estimated on the basis of info collected under Reg. ECB/2013/33. 4 Data refers to offices reported by other payment services as defined in the ECB payments statistics regulation ECB/2013/43.