T3: Institutions offering payment services / instruments Source
(units, unless otherwise stated; end of year)
«  2014  »
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total number of institutions offering
 payment services/instruments
Breakdown of 'total number of institutions offering
 payment services/instruments' by category
Central bank 1napnap111
Number of branches or offices 1napnap333333
Number of payment accounts 1napnap549539538
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions) 2napnap47,367117,888188,238
Total number of entities 1napnap1,4911,4661,417
Number of branches or offices 1napnap54,46954,28354,017
Number of payment accounts (thousands) 3napnap389,436387,638387,239
Partial breakdown of 'banks, number of payment accounts'
Of which: internet-linked (thousands)napnapnavnavnav
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions) 4napnap434,455457,678481,653
Breakdown of 'banks' by subcategory
Domestically licensed banks
Total number of entities 5napnap141140140
Number of branches or offices 5napnap36,15636,14036,111
Number of payment accounts (thousands) 6napnap316,573315,549315,760
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions) 7napnap390,705411,655433,051
Cooperative and rural banks
Total number of entities 8napnap1,2931,2711,223
Number of branches or offices 8napnap18,23518,06717,834
Number of payment accounts (thousands) 9napnap72,86372,08871,479
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions) 10napnap43,09945,28047,582
Bank type III
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type IV
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type V
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VI
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VII
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VIII
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnapnapnap
Branches of foreign banks
Total number of entities 1napnap575554
Number of branches of foreign banks 1napnap787672
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnavnavnav
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions) 2napnap6517431,021
Non-banks offering payment services/instruments
Total number of entitiesnapnapnavnavnav
Breakdown of 'non-banks offering payment services/
 instruments, total number of entities' by subcategory
Non-banks offering storage of value
 (on a payment account or on a device)
Total number of entities 11napnap1,1001,0851,063
Number of branches or officesnapnapnavnavnav
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnavnavnav
Value of payment accounts (JPY billions)napnapnavnavnav
Non-banks relying on storage of value on payment
 accounts or on a device offered by others
Total number of entitiesnapnapnavnavnav
Total number of e-money issuersnapnapnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'total number of e-money issuers'
 by type of institution
Of which: non-banksnapnapnavnavnav
Total outstanding e-money value (JPY billions) 12napnap166193218
Partial breakdown of 'total outstanding e-money value'
 by type of institution
Of which: issued by a non-bank (JPY billions)napnapnavnavnav
 1 As of end-March of the following year. 2 Average for March of the following year. 3 As of end-March of the following year. Sum of available data. 4 Average for March of the following year. Sum of available data. 5 As of end-March of the following year. Includes city banks, regional banks, regional banks II, trust banks, other banks and Japan Post Bank. 6 As of end-March of the following year. Includes city banks, regional banks, regional banks II, trust banks and other banks. 7 Average for March of the following year. Includes city banks, regional banks, regional banks II, trust banks, other banks and Japan Post Bank. 8 As of end-March of the following year. Includes shinkin banks, Shinkin Central Bank, Norinchukin Bank, Shoko Chukin Bank, Shinkumi Federation Bank, National Federation of Labour Credit Associations, credit cooperatives, labour credit associations, agricultural cooperatives and fishery cooperatives. 9 As of end-March of the following year. Figures for shinkin banks only. 10 Average for March of the following year. Figures for shinkin banks only. 11 As of end-March of the following year. Total of registered "Issuers of Prepaid Payment Instruments for Third-Party Business" and "Funds Transfer Service Providers" (not mutually exclusive). Issuers of Prepaid Payment Instruments includes issuers of paper-based prepaid payment instruments. 12 As of end-March of the following year. Based on the survey by the Bank of Japan. This is the sum of the eight major electronic money companies in Japan. From 2019, payments via QR and barcodes (as of end-December, based on the survey by the Payments Japan Association) are added to e-money payments. Note that these payments are not separated from payments by card with credit function.
Sources: Bank of Japan; Japan Post Bank; Centre for Financial Industry Information Systems; Japanese Bankers Association; Japan Payment Service Association.