T3: Institutions offering payment services / instruments Source
(units, unless otherwise stated; end of year)
«  2015  »
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of institutions offering
 payment services/instruments
Breakdown of 'total number of institutions offering
 payment services/instruments' by category
Central banknap1111
Number of branches or officesnap1111
Number of payment accountsnap98100112112
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)nap133251274327
Total number of entitiesnap49525252
Number of branches or officesnap13,54113,77314,02413,464
Number of payment accounts (thousands)nap88,72688,68287,85695,078
Partial breakdown of 'banks, number of payment accounts'
Of which: internet-linked (thousands)nap19,74821,40324,71827,752
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)nap1,7962,0192,2762,585
Breakdown of 'banks' by subcategory
Commercial banks
Total number of entitiesnap43464646
Number of branches or officesnap12,97713,17713,36112,849
Number of payment accounts (thousands)nap79,84079,22777,49884,078
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)nap1,7821,9932,2372,551
Development banks
Total number of entitiesnap6666
Number of branches or officesnap564596663615
Number of payment accounts (thousands)nap8,8869,45510,35810,999
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)nap15253934
Bank type III
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type IV
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type V
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VI
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VII
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Bank type VIII
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches or officesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Branches of foreign banks
Total number of entitiesnapnapnapnapnap
Number of branches of foreign banksnapnapnapnapnap
Number of payment accounts (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)napnapnapnapnap
Non-banks offering payment services/instruments
Total number of entitiesnap113163207216
Breakdown of 'non-banks offering payment services/
 instruments, total number of entities' by subcategory
Non-banks offering storage of value
 (on a payment account or on a device)
Total number of entitiesnap113163183192
Number of branches or officesnap3,7444,3134,4164,650
Number of payment accounts (thousands)nap6,3587,4858,1019,059
Value of payment accounts (MXN billions)nap637889100
Non-banks relying on storage of value on payment
 accounts or on a device offered by others
Total number of entitiesnapnapnap2424
Total number of e-money issuersnapnavnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'total number of e-money issuers'
 by type of institution
Of which: non-banksnapnavnavnavnav
Total outstanding e-money value (MXN billions)napnavnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'total outstanding e-money value'
 by type of institution
Of which: issued by a non-bank (MXN billions)napnavnavnavnav
Sources: Bank of Mexico; CNBV reports; Telecomm; SOFIPOS; SOCAPS.