> LBS > Table A6.1-S > Change measure  B F G  Structure Help
Banks' cross-border positions on residents of Mauritania
Outstanding at end-March 2018, in millions of US dollars
Mauritania All sectors Bank sector Non-bank financial Non-financial sector
Total Non-financial corporations Households General government Unallocated non-financial
«  Q1 2018  »
Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities
Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18 Q1 18
Cross-border positions747803103468616193301642227969683525
By instrument
Loans and deposits737799100468...16193271642197969683525
Debt securities9...3...6                                 
Other instruments01...0......01010...      0...
Unallocated02......      -02...2-01      0...
By currency
All instruments
US dollar30563596419......207214159190024   048-0
Yen0100      010100   0   0
Pound sterling0200      010001   0......
Swiss franc0100...   010001   0......
Other currencies32513046030310...102...23034
Of which: unallocated16304......-00...1-0-1...0-00
Of which: loans and deposits
US dollar30163392419......207212159188024   048-0
Yen0100      010100   0   0
Pound sterling0200      010001   0......
Swiss franc0100      010001   0      
Other currencies3191304   030310...102...23034
Of which: unallocated16304   ...-00...1-0-1...0-00