> LBS > Table A6.1-S > Change measure  B F G  Structure Help
Banks' cross-border positions on residents of Maldives
Outstanding at end-December 2017, in millions of US dollars
Maldives All sectors Bank sector Non-bank financial Non-financial sector
Total Non-financial corporations Households General government Unallocated non-financial
«  Q4 2017  »
Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities
Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17 Q4 17
Cross-border positions8905255719870645270168183185410406166
By instrument
Loans and deposits89252156198100644266168153085410405166
Debt securities-30...   -3   0......      ......   0   
Other instruments1010...   00   0000   0...
Unallocated03...0   ...03   3......-0   0-0
By currency
All instruments
US dollar523386561557033819516816014...0171165
Yen241409...0010001   0   ...
Pound sterling51005...0120012   0   ...
Swiss franc1301...0020002   0......
Other currencies28386112...026368022864   02351
Of which: unallocated1920011...003-0101   000
Of which: loans and deposits
US dollar5263845615510033819316814014...0170165
Yen241409...0010001   0   ...
Pound sterling51005...0120012   0   ...
Swiss franc1301...0020002   0......
Other currencies28384012...026366012864   02351
Of which: unallocated1919011...0-01-0001   000