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Banks' cross-border positions on residents of Slovenia
Outstanding at end-March 2021, in millions of US dollars
Slovenia All sectors Bank sector Non-bank financial Non-financial sector
Total Non-financial corporations Households General government Unallocated non-financial
«  Q1 2021  »
Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities
Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21 Q1 21
Cross-border positions11,6246,9662,6012,2589221257,6663,5012,1621,0883141,0145,1421,3824718
By instrument
Loans and deposits4,7715,3081,4592,133819882,4923,0812,1371,076314968311,0191018
Debt securities5,2741,124108971345,13142146   355,1060110
Other instruments1,5785251,034286631536811511336200
By currency
All instruments
US dollar59559341720818131571352287141127098
Pound sterling1820330011405110...0...-1
Swiss franc281501579101156021154...0...0
Other currencies1012855202342115323...0-14
Of which: unallocated7635130201711304......-10
Of which: loans and deposits
US dollar437347411208010261271982038...068
Pound sterling1490330011405110...0...-1
Swiss franc281321576101156021154...0...-0
Other currencies496053-02342115322...0-14
Of which: unallocated131014-0101611304......-10