CTA2: Selected data from T7-T19
«  2014  »
Payment systems and critical service providers
Card based payments
Number of transactions (millions)napnap1,2611,7372,707
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnap384454
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnap000
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnap223
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap53298395
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap5391105
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Cheque clearing
Number of transactions (millions)napnap1,3141,2571,196
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnap1,8751,5931,400
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnap111
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnap1018369
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap200535701
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap108213258
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)napnap299345341
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnap536462
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnap000
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnap333
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap117117123
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap117117123
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)napnap11578
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnap0210
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnap000
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnap000
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap172653
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap172653
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnap87340
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnap420
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnap00
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnap01
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap35257459
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap29117136
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Number of transactions (millions)napnap394661928
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnap543747980
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnap111
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnap293948
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap146161161
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap146161161
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnap58.659.857.0
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnap51.252.251.9
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnap8193
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnap12,52212,357
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnap154133
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnap654605
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap172177192
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnap172177192
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnap40.940.9
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnap43.345.2
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnapnap
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnapnap
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnavnavnav
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnavnavnav
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Central counterparties and clearing houses
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnap9871,212
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnap4,6595,534
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnap4,7224,566
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnap243.2270.8
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnap255264266
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnap704,4501,527,767
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnap1,7573,835
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnap23
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnap91.7187.7
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnap1,3691,382
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnap398,943103,567
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnap00
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnap00
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnap0.00.0
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnap582579
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnap3,389,2964,171,111
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnap7,3469,886
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnap22
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnap383.5483.9
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnap1,2991,369
Central securities depositories
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)napnapnav69,214104,670
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)napnapnav140215
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)napnapnav22
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnav7.310.5
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnav579574
Number of securities held (thousands)napnapnavnavnav
Value of securities held (USD millions)napnapnav185,479228,525
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)napnap2,3062,6203,044
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)napnap22,81623,41223,037
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)napnap9,8938,9357,567
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnap1,226.01,222.11,127.5
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnap184191203
Number of securities held (thousands)napnapnavnavnav
Value of securities held (USD millions)napnap833,438872,826948,319
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)napnapnav100,269148,150
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)napnapnav2,8003,186
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)napnapnav2822
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnav146.2155.9
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnav278273
Number of securities held (thousands)napnapnavnavnav
Value of securities held (USD millions)napnapnav1,524,5731,925,239