CTA2: Selected data from T7-T19
«  2012  »
Payment systems and critical service providers
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnap15
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap341,478
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap22,326
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap5,442
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap550
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap550
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnap47.5
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnap37.8
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnap6
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap30,848
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap4,907
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap492
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap206
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap27
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnap79.4
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnap75.4
Tokyo Clearing House
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnap25
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap3,416
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap137
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap54
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap318
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap105
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Zengin System
Number of transactions (millions)napnapnapnap1,461
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap33,252
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap23
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap530
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap1,361
Of which: directly connected participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap143
Concentration ratio in terms of volume (%)napnapnapnapnap
Concentration ratio in terms of value (%)napnapnapnapnap
Central counterparties and clearing houses
Japan Government Bond Clearing Corporation
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnapnap
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnapnap
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnapnap34
Japan Securities Clearing Corporation
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnapnap1,271,062,725
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap320,076
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap0
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap5,100.6
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnapnap139
JASDEC DVP Clearing Corporation
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnapnap39,314
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap5,383
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap137
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap85.8
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnapnap53
Osaka Securities Exchange
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnapnap
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnapnap
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnapnap83
Tokyo Financial Exchange
Number of transactions (thousands)napnapnapnap133,852
Increase in the number of transactions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of transactions (USD billions)napnapnapnap13,445
Average value per transaction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap100
Increase in the real value of transactions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of transactions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap214.3
Total number of clearing members (units; end of year)napnapnapnap65
Central securities depositories
BOJ-NET JGB Services
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)napnapnapnap4,211
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)napnapnapnap258,515
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap61,394
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap4,119.6
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap291
Number of securities held (thousands)napnapnapnapnap
Value of securities held (USD millions)napnapnapnap11,733,194
Number of delivery instructions (thousands)napnapnapnap89,457
Increase in the number of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year)
Value of delivery instructions (USD billions)napnapnapnap16,938
Average value per delivery instruction (USD thousands)napnapnapnap189
Increase in the real value of delivery instructions
 (% change on previous year, adjusted by CPI inflation)
Value of delivery instructions as a percentage of GDP (%)napnapnapnap269.9
Total number of participants (units; end of year)napnapnapnap279
Number of securities held (thousands)napnapnapnap73
Value of securities held (USD millions)napnapnapnap4,788,430