T4: Number of payment cards and terminals
(thousands; end of year)
«  2012  »
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
PART A: Total number of cards
Total number of cards 1napnapnapnap141,869
Breakdown of 'total number of cards' by function
Cards with a cash functionnapnapnapnap135,344
Cards with a debit functionnapnapnapnap105,594
Cards with a delayed debit functionnapnapnapnap23,910
Cards with a credit functionnapnapnapnap3,685
Cards with an e-money functionnapnapnapnap97,990
Partial breakdown of 'total number of cards' by technology
Of which: contactlessnapnapnapnapnav
Of which: magstripenapnapnapnapnav
Partial breakdown of 'total number of cards' by issuer
Of which: by a non-banknapnapnapnapnav
Partial breakdown of 'total number of cards' by ability
 to initiate device-not-present payments
Of which: able to initiate device-not-present paymentsnapnapnapnapnav
PART B: Total number of terminals
Total number of POS terminals 2napnapnapnap720
Partial breakdown of 'total number of POS terminals'
 by terminal type
Of which: EFTPOS terminals 3napnapnapnap720
Partial breakdown of 'EFTPOS terminals' by technology
Of which: contactlessnapnapnapnapnav
Total number of ATMs 4napnapnapnap83
Partial breakdown of 'total number of ATMs' by function
Cash withdrawal 5napnapnapnap56
Cash depositnapnapnapnapnav
Credit transfer 6napnapnapnap27
Partial breakdown of 'total number of ATMs' by technology
Of which: contactlessnapnapnapnapnav
 1 Includes only plastic cards. 2 Encompasses only terminals with reference to the German scheme "Girocard". To avoid double-counting, the number of terminals includes the most widespread scheme only, since terminals usually accept different card brands. Only active terminals (terminals with at least one transaction in the reference period). Before 2014 terminals located outside the country, operated by domestic banks are included. Data source for terminals in Germany: Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (DK). 3 Before 2014 terminals located outside the country, operated by domestic banks are included. 4 The total number of ATMs may, in some instances, be bigger than the sum of the number of ATMs with a cash withdrawal function and of ATMs with a credit transfer function, because it also encompasses the number of ATMs with a cash deposit function. Only ATMs operated by domestic payment service providers, located in- and outside the country are included. 5 Only ATMs with a cash withdrawal funtion operated by domestic payment service providers, located in- and outside the country are included. 6 Only ATMs with a credit transfer function operated by domestic payment service providers, located in- and outside the country are included.