T6: Value of cashless payments and withdrawal/deposit transactions
(EUR billions; total for the year)
«  2014  »
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
PART A: Value of cashless payments
Total value of cashless paymentsnapnap3,8324,1596,900
Breakdown of 'total value of cashless payments' by instrument type
Credit transfersnapnap3,6563,9756,675
Breakdown of 'credit transfers' into domestic and cross-border sent
Cross-border sentnapnap9891,0141,458
Memo: cross-border receivednapnap1,1871,0471,154
Breakdown of 'credit transfers' by device presence/absence
Device-present: paper-basednapnap394462284
Device-present: othernapnapnapnapnap
Partial breakdown of 'credit transfers, device-present: other'
 by accepting device
Of which: at POS terminalsnapnapnapnapnap
Direct debitsnapnap7178120
Breakdown of 'direct debits' into domestic and cross-border sent
Cross-border sentnapnapnavnav42
Memo: cross-border receivednapnapnavnav18
Partial breakdown of 'cheques'
Of which: paper-basednapnap373424
Other payment instrumentsnapnapnapnap2
Card and e-money payments (with cards and e-money
 issued inside the country)
Breakdown of 'card and e-money payments' by function
By card with a debit functionnapnap545763
By card with a delayed debit functionnapnap131510
By card with a credit functionnapnapnavnav6
E-money paymentsnapnap000
Partial breakdown of 'card and e-money payments'
 by device presence/absence
Of which: device-present paymentsnapnapnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'card and e-money payments, device-present'
 by technology
Of which: contactlessnapnapnavnavnav
Of which: magstripenapnapnavnavnav
Breakdown of 'card and e-money payments'
 into domestic and cross-border
Breakdown of 'card and e-money payments, domestic' by function
By card with a debit functionnapnapnavnavnav
By card with a delayed debit functionnapnapnavnavnav
By card with a credit functionnapnapnavnavnav
E-money paymentsnapnapnavnavnav
Cross-border sentnapnap81012
MEMO: Card and e-money payments at terminals inside the country
 (with cards and e-money issued inside and outside country)
Breakdown of 'card and e-money payments at terminals
 inside the country' by function
By card with a debit functionnapnapnavnavnav
By card with a delayed debit functionnapnapnavnavnav
By card with a credit functionnapnapnavnavnav
E-money paymentsnapnap000
Partial breakdown of 'card and e-money payments at terminals
 inside the country' by device presence/absence
Of which: device-present paymentsnapnap677256
Partial breakdown down of 'card and e-money payments at terminals
 inside the country, device-present payments' by technology
Of which: contactlessnapnapnavnavnav
Of which: magstripenapnapnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'card and e-money payments at terminals
 inside the country' by location of the card issuer
Of which: at terminals inside the country with cards and e-money
 issued outside the country
Partial breakdown of 'total value of cashless payments' by speed
Of which: fast paymentsnapnapnavnavnav
Breakdown of 'fast payments' by instrument type
Credit transfersnapnapnavnavnav
Direct debitsnapnapnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'fast payments' on-us
Of which: on-usnapnapnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'fast payments' by initiation device
Of which: initiated at a POSnapnapnavnavnav
Partial breakdown of 'total value of cashless payments' by issuer
Of which: issued by a non-banknapnapnavnavnav
MEMO: Money remittancesnapnapnavnav2
PART B: Value of withdrawal/deposit transactions
Total value of withdrawals/depositsnapnap535584
Breakdown of 'total value of withdrawals/deposits' into withdrawals and deposits
Cash withdrawalsnapnap535550
Breakdown of 'cash withdrawals' by withdrawal location
Cash withdrawals with cards issued inside the country at
 locations inside the country
Breakdown of 'cash withdrawals with cards issued inside the country
 at locations inside the country' by terminal type
At ATMsnapnap515344
At POS terminalsnapnapnavnavnav
At bank branches, without the use of an ATMnapnapnavnav4
Cash withdrawals with cards issued inside the country
 at locations outside the country
Memo: Cash withdrawals with cards issued outside the country
 at locations inside the country
Memo: Cash withdrawals with cards issued inside and outside
 the country at locations inside the country
Partial breakdown of the memo item 'cash withdrawals with cards
 issued inside and outside the country at locations inside the country'
 by terminal type
Of which: at ATMsnapnap525545
Partial breakdown of 'cash withdrawals' by terminal type
Of which: at ATMsnapnapnavnav47
Cash depositsnapnapnavnav33
Partial breakdown of 'cash deposits' by deposit location
Of which: cash deposits with cards issued inside the country
 at locations inside the country
E-money loading/unloading transactionsnapnapnavnav0