> LBS > Table A5-S > Change measure  B F G  Structure Help
Banks located in Saudi Arabia
Positions reported by banking offices located in the specified country regardless of the nationality of the controlling parent
in millions of US dollars
Saudi Arabia Outstanding
Cross-border positions Local positions Unallocated positions
by residence
«  Q4 2020  »
Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities Claims Liabilities
Q4 20 Q4 20 Q4 20 Q4 20 Q4 20 Q4 20
By sector of counterparty
Of which: intragroup  1\\\\\\
Of which: non-bank financial\\\\\\
Of which: non-financial\\\\\\
Non-financial corporations\\\\\\
General government\\\\\\
By currency
Local currency9,87711,419665,873585,2102529
Foreign currencies55,65634,91150,42949,0241,063451
Of which: US dollar\\\\\\
Of which: euro\\\\\\
Of which: yen\\\\\\
Of which: pound sterling\\\\\\
Of which: Swiss franc\\\\\...
Of which: other currencies\\\\\\
By instrument
Of which: loans and deposits\\\\\\
Of which: debt securities\\\\\...
By type of bank
Domestic banks62,11237,003698,511622,2541,065981
Foreign banks' subsidiaries                  
Foreign banks' branches\\\\\\
 1 Intragroup positions are, due to greater coverage, from the LBS by nationality of reporting bank.